Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well summer has come and gone and now its time for school again, and I should be excited that it is my last semester for my RN but I know that I want to continue on with my education which means school isn't ending for me anytime soon. This is the first week back to school and I am swamped with work to do. Several projects and papers, test next week and oh one tomorrow (that's just the stuff I can think of that I have to do) oh yeah and the several chapters to read each day that we go over. Did I mention that I am already behind on my school work. So much to do and I am overwhelmed. On another note, I'm glad I have been busy this week because Blaine is at his dad's and with the extra school distraction it has made it easier to deal with him not being home. I am soooo ready for him to come home!

Well as most people know that I am pregnant and I am at 13 weeks. I went to the Dr. on Tues. heard the heartbeat which was 150. The Dr. made a comment of this being a very active child because we could hear the movements from the doppler when she was trying to get the heart beat. And I would have to agree because I am only 13 weeks however I have felt quite a bit of fluttering and movement from this little one. Blaine is very excited. The other day he put his head just below my chest and said "I can hear the baby's heart mom" I had to laugh and told him that was my heart and that he couldn't hear or feel the baby yet but he did it again and said well I can hear her moving. (Blaine wants a sister so he interchanges the baby for she a lot but occasionally he will call it a he so I hope he will be excited about a brother or a sister, well just have to wait and see.)