Monday, June 15, 2009

The Boys Check-Ups

On Monday, Blaine had his five year/kindergarten check-up and Bryce had is 4 month check-up. I have been anticipating this for a few months now wondering how it would go.
Bryce is 14lbs and is 27in long! Which in his weight he is in the 38th percentile and his length he is greater than the 97th percentile! He is doing great. He already rolls over...all the time, he is constantly smiling and giggling and I am so blessed to have a really happy baby. We are still dealing with reflex and the hydrocele hasn't gotten any better but those are minor issues. On his 6 month check-up we might have an ultrasound done to see if it really is hydrocele or if he has other issues so we will see. I got the go ahead to start cereal feedings and work our way up to first foods. So next week we will start cereal.He flirted with all the ladies there and I got a lot of compliments on how adorable and how good he was which makes any moms day to hear that!
Poor Blaine, he's five year old check up didn't go according to plan. Blaine has really bad reactions to bug bites. Even with bug spray on, the bugs find the one place you didn't spray and end up biting him there. On Sunday he came home from his dad's (where it was nice outside and he swam and played outside all weekend) and he ended up getting chigger bites all over especially in his underwear region. So when we went to the doctor for a check up he also had other issues as well. He has balanitis again from chigger bites, fluid behind his ears, and he is also has some wheezing in his chest that could be from allergies or he might be developing asthma.
On the check up side he is growing so much. He is 43lbs and is 46in which in the beginning of May when Blaine graduated preschool he has a little over 43in tall. So in little over a month he has grown 3in! Blaine was not thrilled with the 4 shots that he had to get. He actually cried worse than Bryce did. Blaine didn't mind shots until he was 2 years old and he had to have a rocephin(antibiotic) shot and if anyone has ever had one of those even adults tear up with that shot. The antibiotic is very thick and it takes at least 10 seconds to inject plus it hurts going in and I can speak from experience. So ever since then, ever time he goes to see the doctor he tells her "no shots and no needles!" We also didn't realize until we were getting ready to leave that he had to have a TB skin test and an urinalysis. So that meant another needle and Blaine really did not like that one bit but he did good. On to the urinalysis, Blaine had already went to the bathroom so we only got a small sample and when we did it showed that he had a large amount of blood and protein in his urine. So we had to get another sample so they could send it off for microscopic examination. On Tuesday I got the phone call with the results which we were all surprised at the results. He had small amount of blood this time, large amount of protein and to keep it simple for everyone he had a large to moderate amount of crystals in his urine. The type of crystals they found are those indicative of kidney stones. So they are sending him to a urologist on Tuesday to see if they can find out what is going on. Please pray for him that God will heal him. I will keep everyone posted on what the urologist has to say.