Friday, September 26, 2008

AND I AM....

A BOY!!! More testosterone in the house. I am OUT NUMBERED! I am one female to 3 males humm.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

And I am.....

STUBBORN, that is what I am. I am already taking after my daddy.

Well, I have to go back in a month and have another ultrasound because this baby is stubborn! What we could see looked good but we have to go back and get a good look at the heart, facial profile and the attachment of the umbilical cord (that was the main things we didn't get a good look at but the brain and other things look good.) Thank you Lord! All we want is a healthy baby and things look pretty good so far. The baby is also measuring bigger than its due date so if it is the same on the next ultrasound they might move my due date up. So the part you all have been waiting for, is it a boy or a girl. Well that's a good question considering it to the ultrasound tech 30-40 minutes to find out because you guessed it STUBBORN! The legs stayed crossed and my hand down there most of the time but we do know what it is but right now I'm going to leave some of you in suspense on what sex the baby is so take a guess and I will update either tonight or tomorrow. So leave your guesses to see it your right!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


You Are a Monroe Piercing
You are glamourous, sophisticated, and very classy.
You're the type to think carefully before getting any sort piercing or tattoo.

You are naturally charming. People find you to be very alluring.
Your manners are impeccable, and you always have something witty to say.

While you look like you're high maintenance, you have simple tastes.
You're a homebody who often rather curl up with a book than go out.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

For those of you who are wondering, I wasn't able to get an ultrasound today so it will be about another few weeks before we know what we are having.

Last night I went to watch my brother play football which it wasn't a real exciting game considering the team we played have only had a team for 2 years and they are a Kentucky Christian school so they didn't have many players. However I really enjoyed watching a game that had so much sportsmanship.( usually the teams are bad mouthing each other and playing very aggressive which this wasn't the case) I really enjoyed seeing two teams come together to play a sport the way it should be. At the end of the game both of the teams joined together at the end to pray which was awesome to see. (one of the boys from the other team was taken by amubulance to the hospital for his neck; I hope everything turned out okay for him) After the game I found out that my brother is ranked #1 in the state for points and ranked #6 in the NATION! How awesome is that. I can't express how much I am proud of him for working so hard I just hope he will come to his senses and go to college and get an education.

My sister turned 29 on Wed. so we had a get together at moms on monday to celebrate which is always nice to go home and have moms cooking and be with my family. Happy Birthday Crystal, I love you!

Monday, September 1, 2008


I just sent out an email in hopes that who ever reads this could help me out. Here is the email:
Hi Everyone,
I am writing this in hopes that you can help out. My brother, Jacob Duncan, was nominated in the Evansville Courier and Press player of the week. He is up against 4 other boys who come from schools a lot bigger than his, so for him to even be nominated is an awesome achievement. He is very humble about this recognition and he doesn't think or believe he will win but I want to prove him wrong, because he does deserve this recognition. It amazes my family and I after every game he plays if someone come to tell him he did a good job or just come over and talk to him he always tells them thank you, thanks for coming and he appreciates them for coming. How many 17 years olds say that, that they appreciate someone for simply coming to a game or coming over to talk to them. I am very proud of my brother. So if you would please go to this web site, and go to vote for the player of the week and vote for my brother. His name is Jacob Duncan and he goes to Tecumseh. (there is another boy with the same last name that goes to Southridge) He is the first one on the list. You can vote a few times a day but the voting ends on Wednesday at noon. Right now the other Duncan boy is ahead by almost 100 votes. I really appreciate anyone who goes to vote and thanks in advance. Also if you could pass this on and tell others that you know if they would vote for him I would really appreciate it. (my internet is acting up and my address book isn't working so I am unable to send this email to all the people I know so if you could pass it along that would be great)

Once again the website is and his name is Jacob Duncan from Tecumseh. Voting ends Wednesday at noon.

Thank you so much!

God Bless,
Ashley Minks (Duncan)