Friday, February 22, 2008


Yesterday I was sent home from clinical at 9 due to the "winter storm" (when I think of winter storm I think LOTS of snow not ICE!) We all tried convincing our teacher just to let us stay and finish the day so we didn't have to come and make up the day but the college said we had to go home since they are liable for us. I wasn't really the happiest person, not that I didn't enjoy the day with Blaine and Dustin but I put in a lot of preparation for clinical and needless to say I don't like having to get up at 4 in the morning for nothing! So yesterday I came back to Dustins to get Blaine and well if you know what Dustins driveway looks like you'll understand that getting out of his driveway is a miracle to leave safely on a normal day throw ice into that equation and well it is impossible, so needless to say I am still stuck here today. Dustin however did manage to slide out of the drive way at 4:30 this morning to go to work. Blaine is getting restless being stuck inside. So for me that means my patience is running thin so I'm going to say a few prayers and think of a few things that Blaine and I can do around here (that doesn't include TV, which is all he wanted to do yesterday) I don't mind cold weather so much as long as there is snow on the ground. Sooo either come on snow or just let spring come!


Trin said...

Yay!! You have a blog...more posts to feed my addiction with :)