Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Waiting for things to come together...

I'm still trying to get everything situated at the house since the wedding. It's been a slow process going through things and getting rid of things. I threw my back out about a month ago rearranging the bedroom one night while Dustin was at work (I knew I was going to hurt my back but I was determined to do it by myself... not the smartest idea but its easier to do by myself) Anyways my back is still out and I'm not sure what to do about it.

I have officially quit my old job that I would have been at for four years. It was a good move to make for us and with gas it was not worth driving Blaine to daycare and then to evansville and back on $4.oo a gallon for gas. when I made a little above minimum wage. But I do have a summer internship at St. Marys. I have been there for 3 weeks now and I love it. I was told once I was done with the internship and I found a unit I liked I just need to apply for the job and the would find me one! So that is exciting for me! Monday I went looking for graduate schools when I finish my RN. Its kind of exciting and depressing all at the same time. I'm excited to do what I feel that I was put here to do but sad because I have been in school forever and it seems that I'm never going to get done. I'm also debating on taking Blaine out of daycare for the summer because it is a waste of gas to drive to elberfeld when we live in boonville plus only working 2 days a week. I'm not sure what to do. Blaine doesn't seem to want to go anymore and cries every time I tell him we are going. I don't want to take him out because I will need a daycare in the fall and I want to make sure I have one before I take him out. I'm just going to keep praying and see what happens.

The other day God has placed me in a situation that I am struggling with. I know He knows what is best and that everything will be okay however I am still having a hard time excepting His will. I know He has been and will always be there for me. My heart knows everything will be just fine but what I feel is the right thing isn't agreeing with what God has planned. I know what I think is right isn't up to me because I don't see His full plan. Please keep me in your prays while I am struggling through this situation.