Thursday, September 25, 2008

And I am.....

STUBBORN, that is what I am. I am already taking after my daddy.

Well, I have to go back in a month and have another ultrasound because this baby is stubborn! What we could see looked good but we have to go back and get a good look at the heart, facial profile and the attachment of the umbilical cord (that was the main things we didn't get a good look at but the brain and other things look good.) Thank you Lord! All we want is a healthy baby and things look pretty good so far. The baby is also measuring bigger than its due date so if it is the same on the next ultrasound they might move my due date up. So the part you all have been waiting for, is it a boy or a girl. Well that's a good question considering it to the ultrasound tech 30-40 minutes to find out because you guessed it STUBBORN! The legs stayed crossed and my hand down there most of the time but we do know what it is but right now I'm going to leave some of you in suspense on what sex the baby is so take a guess and I will update either tonight or tomorrow. So leave your guesses to see it your right!


Penny said...

And you are...not very nice! Glad everything looks okay!