For those of you who are wondering, I wasn't able to get an ultrasound today so it will be about another few weeks before we know what we are having.
Last night I went to watch my brother play football which it wasn't a real exciting game considering the team we played have only had a team for 2 years and they are a Kentucky Christian school so they didn't have many players. However I really enjoyed watching a game that had so much sportsmanship.( usually the teams are bad mouthing each other and playing very aggressive which this wasn't the case) I really enjoyed seeing two teams come together to play a sport the way it should be. At the end of the game both of the teams joined together at the end to pray which was awesome to see. (one of the boys from the other team was taken by amubulance to the hospital for his neck; I hope everything turned out okay for him) After the game I found out that my brother is ranked #1 in the state for points and ranked #6 in the NATION! How awesome is that. I can't express how much I am proud of him for working so hard I just hope he will come to his senses and go to college and get an education.
My sister turned 29 on Wed. so we had a get together at moms on monday to celebrate which is always nice to go home and have moms cooking and be with my family. Happy Birthday Crystal, I love you!
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