Saturday, April 3, 2010

Oh how I've been waiting

for this background/rug. I love the look of old, country, rustic, and antique things. Blaine is at his dads so I'll have to wait to really take some fun pictures. Bryce just doesn't cooperate very well. But I don't expect much out of a 13 month old. However I couldn't wait until Blaine got home so these are the only two pictures that he wasn't running off.

On a different note, yesterday I was explaining to Blaine why we were wearing blue for autism day. At the end of our conversation I said that everyone is special because God made each one of us different for a special reason. Not missing a beat Blaine chimes in and says "yeah that's why our names start with capital letters." I smiled and and agreed with him. (I also laughed but I tried to hide that from Blaine, because he can get his feelings hurt easily and he doesn't understand that I was laughing because I was shocked by his response) I would have never thought of something like that but the truth and innocence of his answer amazes me and still makes me smile. You never know what that kid is going to do or say. Somedays I'm at my wits end with him and not sure what to do with him. Other days he is just so sweet and I just want to love on him all day long. I love you so much Blaine, you always have been and always will be my sunshine.